What is Goods and Service Tax Act? Goods and service Tax Act is a law of Goods and Service Tax system in India. It is also called as GST ACT 2017. The GST Act is passed in the parliament of India by making amendments in Constitution of India. GST act provides the complete information of this tax system. However, in order to execute this system there are GST rules, which describes how things should be done and who should do it. GST ACT Types GST Act is general term used for Goods and Service Tax ACT 2017. However, in the eyes of law Goods and Service Tax ACT is a combination of: CGST ACT (central goods and service Tax) IGST ACT (Integrated Goods and Service Tax) UTGST (Union Territory Goods and service Tax ) Further, above acts are combination of many sections. Each act has got sections which may differ from each other. However, CGST sections are the main source for these acts. Continue Reading Goods and Ser...